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丝袜制服 一休假就晒自拍?快停吧!大师齐烦了!

发布日期:2024-09-27 14:02    点击次数:97


丝袜制服 一休假就晒自拍?快停吧!大师齐烦了!




Selfies and hot dog legs have been revealed as being among the most annoying Instagram travel poses around. 访问露馅,自拍和热狗腿是最招东谈主烦的Ins旅游拍照姿势。




Shots of loved-up couples kissing have also been deemed irritating by the social media community, as has the candid 'looking away' shot. 在酬酢媒体的网友眼中,热恋情侣亲吻的像片和看向别处的抓拍像片也让东谈主不爽。





Other poses to get the thumbs down include people 'pinching' the sunset, freeze jumping and walking away from the camera. 其他招来恶评的摆拍姿势包括东谈主们“持住”夕阳、定格逾越已而和从镜头前走开。

一休假就晒自拍?快停吧!大师齐烦了! 丝袜制服






The research, conducted by UK cruise agent Bolsover Cruise Club, set out to find the most annoying holiday Instagram poses filling our social media feeds. 英国邮轮代理商博尔索弗邮轮俱乐部开展的这项商议旨在找出酬酢媒体动态上最让东谈主厌恶的Ins度假拍照姿势。

More than a third of the public said they weren’t a fan of selfies, just ahead of beach snaps of 'hot dog legs'. 超三分之一的公众暗示他们不心爱看自拍,其次是沙滩“热狗腿”像片。

The poses were disliked by the public because they felt that they were overly pretentious, and a bit too show off, while also ruining the often-picturesque landscapes and backdrops of the holiday destinations they were taken at. 公众不心爱这些姿势是因为他们合计这些姿势太作念作,况兼太爱夸耀,与此同期还碎裂了度假地满足如画的山水配景。



The research revealed that Instagrammers were tempted to hit the 'unfollow' button when more than 12 holiday pictures cropped up on their feed. 访问揭示,当动态页面上出现12张以上的度假照旋即,Ins用户会很思对此东谈主取关。

It also found that there is a strong divide in opinions between age and gender groups on what makes a good vacation snap. 访问还发现,关于什么是好的度假像片,不同庚级和性别的东谈主群见解不对很大。

A quarter of women said they were annoyed by followees posting their ‘hot dog legs’, while men were 20 percent less likely to be irritated by the same pose. 四分之一的女性暗示,她们不心爱我方珍贵的东谈主上传 “热狗腿”像片,而有此同感的男性比女性少了20%。

And research showed the under-24s are five times (46 percent) more likely to be annoyed than 45-54s (nine percent) when seeing pictures of kissing couples. 访问还露馅,看到情侣亲吻照旋即,24岁以下的东谈主比45-54岁的东谈主更容易感到厌恶,前者有46%的东谈主不心爱看这种像片,后者唯有9%,前者是后者的5倍。


It seems jealousy is also rife across this age group with under-24s four times more likely to be annoyed by holiday photos than older people. 忌妒心思似乎在24岁以下东谈主群中大齐存在,被度假像片触怒的年青东谈主连年长的东谈主多四倍。



Interestingly, men proved keener than women to show off romantic displays of affection, voting the ‘kissing partners’ pose as their second favourite compared to nearly a fifth of women voting it as their most annoying. 兴味兴味的是,事实确认男性比女性更爱展示心扉外露的放弃像片,投票效果露馅,男性认为“亲吻伴侣”是我方第二心爱的拍照姿势,比较之下,近五分之一的女性暗示这是她们最烦的拍照姿势。


Snappers should think more about taking shots of wonderful landmarks they encounter on holiday, with followers most likely to hit the precious ‘like’ button when seeing sites such as Iceland’s famous Blue Lagoon, the world’s tallest building, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, and the Duomo di Milano cathedral in Milan. 拍照者应试虑多拍一些度假时见到的壮不雅地标,这种类型的像片是珍贵者最可能点赞的,比如冰岛有名的蓝泻湖、天下最高成立迪拜哈利法塔和米兰大教堂。

Commenting on the results, a spokesperson from Bolsover Cruise Club said: 'It was quite surprising to see how many males favoured the more romantic poses on holiday with females identifying the "kissing partner" pose as more irritating. 博尔索弗邮轮俱乐部的发言东谈主针对访问效果评弘扬:“看见这样多男性心爱沐日放弃亲吻像片,而女性却敌对这种像片,照旧挺让东谈主讶异的。”

'With the social media craze all around and Instagram users continually on the rise, it begs the question of what poses will dominate Instagram in the following years or whether the popular poses in this research are here to stay.' “刻下酬酢媒体盛行,Ins用户持续增多,这让东谈主不禁提问:什么样的拍照姿势会在改日主导Ins,访问中出现的流行姿势是否还会陆续受迎接。”


1. Selfie - 34 percent 自拍 34%

2. Hot dog legs - 22 percent 热狗腿 22%

3. Kissing partner - 17 percent 亲吻伴侣 17%

4. Candid looking away shot - 16 percent 抓拍看向别处的像片 16%

5. People ‘pinching’ sunset/building - 14 percent 东谈主们“持住”夕阳或成立 14%

6. Freeze jump - 11 percent 定格逾越已而 11%

7. Walking away from camera - 10 percent 从镜头前走开 10%

8. Name/message in sand - 9 percent 沙滩上的名字或留言 9%

9. Showing off a picture of landmark - 7 percent 展示地标像片 7%

英文开始:逐日邮报 翻译&裁剪:丹妮丝袜制服

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